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A Holiday Message

Holiday-1200by627-logo Smithfield, RI, December 2020 –What a crazy year it has been for all of us! As we approach the end of 2020, I wanted to pause, reflect, and express my gratitude for all of the positive things that have emerged despite these trying times. There is no denying that 2020 was filled with ups and downs, many challenges and obstacles, but through it all we persevered, together.

We at Hanna Instruments, the industries we serve, and the scientific community as a whole, have shown our strength, our ability to adapt, and our ingenuity during this time. I am extremely appreciative and thankful for our customers and employees both near and far. It is your can-do attitude, your hard work, and your dedication that have shown that through a collaborative effort anything can be achieved.

I am proud and grateful to be part of the Hanna Instruments Organization which helps industries uphold the highest standard of quality assurance in testing. Whether you are a food company needing to ensure a consistent final product to meet the ever-changing demands of the pandemic, a grower cultivating healthy crops to feed a community, or a water treatment facility continuing to provide clean drinking water for all, we at Hanna, will continue to provide the instrumentation, innovation, and testing accuracy to support your critical missions.

I wish you all a joyous Holiday Season and a Happy and Healthy New Year! I hope that you enjoy your time with family and friends. I look forward to a brighter, safer, and even better 2021!

Darcy Simonis
President of Hanna Instruments USA