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A Holiday Message


Hanna Instruments Holiday Message 2022Smithfield, RI, December 2022 – With the end of 2022 fast approaching and the start of 2023 on the horizon, I am taking a pause from the everyday business to reflect on our journey over this past year and where we are headed.

At Hanna Instruments, it was a year filled with frequent change and challenges. The global business world is currently faced with many obstacles, such as skyrocketing costs, supply chain shortages, and transportation delays, to name a few.

While it can certainly feel overwhelming at times, we should remain mindful that determination will win out over adversity.

This upcoming February, Hanna Instruments will celebrate its 45th year in business. If there is one thing that we have learned over the years, it is to embrace the unexpected. There will always be factors that we can’t control, but it is our response to these challenges that matters most.

When we work together, it is easier to adjust and adapt, to create and navigate, a new path forward. We appreciate our employees and offices across the globe for your collaborative efforts and most of all, we are thankful for our customers for your unwavering support of our people, of our brand, and of our company.

I wish you all a joyous Holiday Season and a Happy and Healthy New Year! May you enjoy this special time with your loved ones. Let’s make 2023 the best year yet!

Tim Shannon
General Manager of U.S. Commercial Operations