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pH Transmitter with 4-20 mA Galvanically Isolated Output
pH Transmitter with 4-20 mA Galvanically Isolated Output
pH Transmitter with 4-20 mA Galvanically Isolated Output

pH Transmitter with 4-20 mA Galvanically Isolated Output


The HI8614N is a water-resistant pH transmitter is designed to be used with a standard high impedance pH probe with BNC connector. The signal is then processed by a special highimpedance amplifier, which transmits an output current directly proportional to the input signal but independent of changes in load or cable capacitance.

  • Temperature compensation ensures fast, accurately compensated readings even during sudden temperature fluctuations.
  • Water resistant design for use in process control.
  • HI8614LN has optional backlit, LCD display for easy viewing (no LCD on HI8614N).
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